Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Be A headache To Car Shipping Companies

Your worries don't end in choosing a car carrier to transport your vehicle. You have a lot of things to take care of before you can actually have some peace of mind. Read on these reminders to prevent having problems with the Vehicle Shipping company.

To begin with, jot down the company's contact details specially their customer support. That way you can trail where your car is at any given time. Your shipping company will give you a trace number for your car, don't lose it as you may need it anytime.

Determine what ought to be your car's fuel volume should be at. Only a small quantity of fuel is needed by most car carriers. This is due to the fact that these cars are more prone to combustion.

Another thing, remove all your belongings from the car. Leaving them inside your car is prohibited. Because this could cause break-ins when robbers see valuable things lying inside your car.

Some auto shippers also put a limit on the weight of the vehicle to be transported, so inclusion of personal items including household appliances is not permitted. The company does not offer any protection to the stuff left in your car that may be lost or broken. They do not offer any guarantee for that.

It would be also wise to disconnect your car alarm. Don't wait for the shipping staff to be bothered by it, it is better to disconnect it before it becomes a nuisance. If possible, you can completely remove the gadget and install it again at a later time.

5. Before leaving your car to the shipper’s representative, make sure you get the Bill of Lading, which shall also contain a page about the existing damages of your car. This way, whatever accident that may befall your car, you'll know that it is properly insured. Record your car's every imperfection and defects before you turn it over to the shipping crew.

The bill readily tells you what you need to know regarding the shipping transactions of your car. Keep this Bill of Lading at least until after the delivery. When things go wrong with your car shipment, the bill of Lading can readily serve as evidence.

Lastly, photograph your vehicle on how it looked before shipment as a point of reference. After it was transported by the company, don't forget to check everything in your vehicle. Examine the top and bottom of your car and from all sides.

It is wise to go over everything in your car and the documents you have with the transaction. You don't have to please the shipper by signing the waiver right away and withholding your rights for claims. It is better to get claims for your car while the policy is enforced.

If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable site.